I have come a long way over the past year. More specifically, since around November. Coincidentally, where it all began.
I started researching internships over last summer. My research stemmed from an interest in any possibility I could have of making a career out of Psychology and Travel. I found the Foreign Service. I realize that most people interested in Foreign Service, may not come from a Psychology background.
What fascinated me about the Foreign Service is the aspect of becoming a world traveller and making a meaningful contribution while at it. I had never had that 'ah ha' moment until I happened upon the role description of Consular Services. What really hit home with me, was American Citizen Services. They help Americans abroad, in crises, adoptions and such. They make visits to Americans in jail. Anyone who truly knows me, would understand the appeal it would have to me. Consular Affairs in general deals with a variety of people.
When I made the decision to apply for an internship with the State Department, I didn't have much faith that I would be a top candidate. I felt that coming from a small University, would be laughable among others who may come from more prestigious schools. I was wrong.
Challenge after challenge, I pushed myself. I had to make a choice between two primary offers for an internship. Something I had been told was a bit uncommon. London or Ottawa. Both, exceptional places to explore I'm sure. I ultimately went with London.
Now, in three days, I'll be flying to a different city, a different country, a different continent. I'll be there pretty much the whole summer. A huge part of me can't wait for the experience. Then, there's the part of me that feels like something is bound to go wrong. I keep wondering, how many positives can happen in a row?
The overwhelming feeling that I have is, the want to make it count. To make this summer the best I've had to date.
Mother's day is tomorrow. I leave on Tuesday. My mother would be beaming with pride.
I am so proud of you!