Thursday, May 17, 2012

Jet Lag

     Backtracking a bit to the flight yesterday. I flew from Toledo Ohio, to London...Heathrow, yay? Not so much of a yay. It started out from Toledo to O'hare, then on to Boston, then to London. The flight from Toledo to Chicago was fine, save for the pit in my stomach and the feeling that any second I could burst into tears. I thought: "Am I really doing this?" Then of course there was the feeling of, me being crazy for doing so. I must have repacked my suitcase well over four times. I still didn't feel prepared. The airport in Toledo is small however, and great for people that get extremely nervous when they fly (aka me!). It was a breeze getting through all of the security (I was literally the only person in line...awesome? YES!), and didn't have to wait long before the flight took off.

     On to the flight to Chicago, we ended up arriving on time, but had to wait a bit to get a gate. I had originally planned to exchange some money at O'hare, but I couldn't find the currency exchange so that plan went out the window. I realize exchange rates at airports are the equivalent to highway robbery but it was the whole mental safety net line of processing that I was going for! I ended up dining on...Mc Donalds (what joy?). I'm not a fan of the food, but it was ok...served its purpose. There wasn't too much time to wait for the flight to Boston. Boston is where it went down hill.

     First mission in Boston was to exchange some money, ended up getting about 70 pounds...not telling how much it cost, but there was a $7 fee included. made me feel a bit more at ease. Then I headed for food. The layover was a bit longer at Boston, we arrived about 40 minutes late or so, I can't remember the exact time. What really mattered was that the plane was supposed to take off at around was delayed till around 11:00...any other time this would be great I guess, but I could barely keep my eyes open and was bored out of my mind! Dinner at the airport before everything closed: a Stromboli! (Sorry Kathy and Admissions, it doesn't count as 'microwave'..I didn't bother taking a pic!)

     I'm glad I got an aisle seat on both flights from Chicago and Boston. Flights make me feel extremely nauseous. I couldn't get over the dizzy/headache feeling. Little did I know..the feeling would only get worse and more complicated after my flights were all over!

    I've come to the conclusion that jet lag turns me into a monster. All I wanted to do after I arrived and 'settled in', was call my grandparents, bite everyone's heads off, cry, sleep, and get out and go...all in one. It was a recipe for disaster. My headache and dizziness only really got worse. It's horrible for me to have this firm belief in not taking medicine for miniscule things unless its absolutley something unbearable. So I went without any kind of allergy relief, anything for a headache, etc.

   It took me near an hour or two to figure out how to get my laptop to work with the converter, as I couldn't get the darn thing to plug in all the way. Per advice from two friends, I was ready to go find somewhere to shell out more cash for a different converter. Thankfully, I used what little common sense was available to me, and asked the hosts for some help! They had no problem really, just forced the converter and the plug from my adaptor together and into the outlet. Piece of cake! Great too, because I had actually broke down crying from all of my confusion, stressing myself  out much more than needed, but that's jet lag for you!

   The rest of my day consisted of walking around a couple of the streets nearby, a trip to a small convenience store (not really sure what the normal term is here?) and the news agent next door. I came back 'home' and ate...the microwave pizza was actually ...decent? Of course I had my pepsi too. But, I don't think I'll be drinking much pop (or should I say fizzy drink? I don't know really). I still have half of the bottle left! Victory for me as I am a total Pepsi addict. My grandparents would be proud. It's a shame they don't have internet so they can't follow my blog.

   Jet lag is like being drunk. Everything moving around in a haze, slow motion. Body and mind...totally not 'together'. I must have spent a good 10 to 15 minutes at the convenience store looking at prices and debating what I was going to eat. When I was back here and done eating, all that jazz..I did the unthinkable. I took about a three hour nap. I couldn't handle it anymore. I ended up waking at 9:00pm, practically wide awake. It turned out alright though because it was a good opportunity to unpack stuff.

    I didn't really get the chance to enjoy my surroundings yesterday, so I will leave you with the view I have from my bedroom window.


  1. Ahh the joys of traveling. I didn't used to feel sick on planes but as I have gotten older, some flights just make me feel "off" for a while. Even if they are just across the country. I bet you needed the nap. And at least u have a nice view out your window! Quite picturesque if you ask me!

  2. That is a gorgeous view! Sorry to hear the trip wasn't enjoyable. It will probably take a little time to adjust. Summer will go by quickly so try to enjoy as much of it as possible! I want postcards! =P

  3. Love this! You enjoy every minute!
