Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Morning Rush

I realize I haven't posted in about a week or so. I just want to let people know it's going well. Just busy! It's about 5:44am...I'm hardly awake, and I feel like I'm getting sick. I think soup for lunch is in order. It's most likely just the weather change. I did do some sight seeing over the past week or so...just have yet to update it. I'll do that this weekend I think, especially for gramps I'll include more pictures with captions (it's the only thing he even pays attention too!).


  1. Sounds like you are off to a grand start and learning your way around quickly. The pubs are great. Go for a pub crawl to the oldest and most unusually decorated pubs. It is truly impresive walking up those steps to the Embassy. My husband did it every day for nearly 3 years; we had many friends there, whom I'm sure are all gone since it was 1980-1983. I loved London and the outskirts also. I worked at Piccadilly for U.S. Travel and Tourism. I wonder if the office is still there? Keep up the good work. Try to do a brass rubbing at one of the churches; that's fun. If you get a chance, contact my friend Anna Pasini. She said she would be glad to hear from you. Carol K.

  2. I will give her a call (I need to find the card again that had her number on it!) I've been to quite a few pubs already since I've been's just an amazing atmosphere, and I love the fact you can take your drinks outside here! I'm not sure if the office is still there..might be a good excuse to go look around though! What is a brass rubbing????

  3. Hi Nikki

    Great to read your blog. I had an England to Toledo experience in 1987 - 1989. At that time I was a member of the English SND sisters, staying with the SNDs in Toledo. I studied Theology at Lourdes. At first it felt very strange to be living in the States, not least because of the different words for everyday things. At the end of the two years it nearly broke my heart when it was time to leave Toledo. A part of my heart will always be in Toledo. I met so many fantastic people - some of them are still working at Lourdes. Hope your experience in England is as good as mine was in the USA. Sharon
